Sunday, October 31, 2010


This Halloween I decided that I wanted to REALLY carve some pumpkins. You always see the cool ones on other peoples porches. So I purchased a kit and we were on our way. The kids each picked out on of their design and that was about it. Little did I know that they were a little too difficult for them to do themselves so Lowell and I carved pumpkins this year while they watched. Well at least we did a Halloween tradition. They loved them and that is all the matters, right?!?!?
My kids and their hand signs. For some reason they love to do these while I take pictures.

The family around their pumpkins. Halle picked a spider, Austin's was a witch, and Jett's was a cat. SO long triangles for noses. (I have no idea why Jett is not in the picture)

The kids love Halloween for one reason ..... candy and lots of it. Don't you remember those days of fun. It just isn't the same when you grow up. Austin and Halle had their costume parade at the school where I took Jett and Berkeley to watch them. Jett thought he should be one of the school kids too so he joined the parade with his brother.

Jett posing as Buzz lightyear. (costume #1)

My goblins.

Halle proudly holding her sister at school.

Hanging out waiting to embark on trick or treating.

This picture is not so fabulous until you look at the door window and see Lowell doing a pig nose on the window.

Jett in costume #2 a black spiderman! Who says you have to limit yourself to one costume a year.

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