Monday, July 26, 2010

Berkeley's trip to the hospital

So Sunday afternoon we took Berkeley to the ER because she had thrown up and had a fever of 101.1. The doctor did a bunch of tests on her including blood tests, urine sample (where they had to use a catherder to get a good sample), and a spinal tap. With the blood and urine test coming back the doc thought she had a 98% chance it was a virus but would not know until they did the spinal tap. He was willing to send her home on antibiotics but really encouraged us to do the spinal tap so we did it. He walked back into the room and said, "We have a change of plans... I need to admit her into the hospital because she has menagitis but was not sure what type she had." The test would take 48 hours to culture so they would treat her for the worst and help that it was the best. So that was it we were sentenced to the hospital for at least 48 hours and possibly 72 hours. The next day she had broke her fever and was acting very happy especially for all she had been though. She was a trooper. They say kids are strong and I have no doubt that she was a fighter. After 48 hours they were pretty confident that she had viral menagitis and started weaning her off some of the meds she was on. they would have known for sure but a nurse forgot to do her job and sent out a sample to a lab in Utah so we had to wait another day. There is one thing I have learned through all this... a good nurse can make a big difference and a bad one well they are not worth having around. Here are a few pictures of her stay.

Trying to sleep while no one was poking or checking on her. Notice the iv in her head. I had no idea that is a place they put them for little kids.
She did not like her bath the first day as you can see.
All hooked up to the heart monitors, foot oxygen thing and iv. I think that was one of the biggest challenges was moving her around with all her chords.
The first iv went bad and so they had to do another one and this time they did it in her arm. They had to put a board on it to keep her to keep it straight. She did not know what to think about this.
We are thankful for all the prayers and support that went out for our family and for her well being.

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